When you try to heal your gut it is important to avoid inflammation. Therefore, if you get gut pains, have gas or break out in hives after eating something, then you must avoid the offended food for 3-4 weeks. The most problematic foods are gluten, dairy, seed/vegetable oils and soy. Medium problematic foods are eggs, nuts and a high carb intake. It is best for everyone to go off gluten for 30 days. If there are no improvements, there is likely a non-dietary problem in your gut, often SIBO.

10 ways to Victory:

1.       To give your gut a break and reset it, you can do a 2-3 day modified fast, with bone broth or cleansing juice. Usually by the second day improvements are noticeable.

2.       Take a good probiotic. Not only do they support good bacterial health, but also have a significant favourable effect on blood sugar levels. Also, spore biotics could be beneficial to take.

3.       Take prokinetics. These are agents that support healthy motility in the gut, for food to move through at a good pace.

4.       Fasting is an incredible healing tool for the gut. It means to stick to eating 2-3 meals a day with at least 3 hours in between meals, NO snacking and NO eating 3-4 hours before bed.

5.       When you have SIBO, H Pylori bacteria, protozoa, pathogenic bacteria or worms, you could use herbal antimicrobials – these are a milder replacement for antibiotics. In 80% of gut issues an overgrowth of these type of organisms, are the cause. Try our successful CellCore gut protocol, come and see us for a consultation is your best bet to make sure your treatment is optimal for your body.

6.       Eating a low carb diet to improve insulin sensitivity and to help improve the microbiome. The amount of carbs you should eat is depending on the severity of your illness.

7.       Avoid foods you are sensitive to as these will continuously cause inflammation in your body, exhausting your immune system and causing fatigue.

8.       Look after the liver and adrenals. This will increase your energy and will give less side effects as a detox reaction.

9.       Use biofilm busters to break it down. Biofilm is like a shelter for bacteria and other bugs to hide. It will make your treatment more effective and potentially reduce your chance of a relapse.

10.   Reduce any medication, if possible and try to relax to get your stress levels under control. Doing so by going for a walk and moving your body is essential in your gut healing journey.


It doesn’t make any sense for the expensive probiotics to be stored in the fridge as the need to survive in the body, which is 37C.

You can increase microbiome diversity without feeding them with fiber. For most people with gut issues, fiber will aggravate the gut. Only some people will benefit with some extra fiber.

A lot of people can see results quickly, within a week or so. Generally, it takes around 3 months to have all issues resolved, however, severe cases can take more time.

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