It is the proper human diet that is engrained in our cells coming from thousands of years of evolution. Yes, humanity was in ketosis for most of our existence. Did you know that babies are in ketosis, as mothers’ milk is high in fat and low in carbs? This is how we are meant to eat but somehow, we lost it…..

Why is ketosis effective?

It makes our hunger and satiety hormones really good at doing their job. Ketosis will keep you full for longer and is very satisfying to eat. It is not possible to be overweight on a healthy ketogenic diet. It has great benefits compared to a low-calorie diet.
Secondly, insulin is a hormone that helps with bringing the sugar in the blood down. As so many of us have far too much sugar circulating, insulin is getting tired and will dysfunction. This is called insulin resistance. Oh boy, if insulin is off, you can see your body slowly falling apart with illness. There needs to be a real priority in keeping insulin down to avoid chronic disease.

How does it work?

In ketosis you reduce your carbohydrates and sugars and start eating more fat. This will enable your cells to use fat for fuel instead of sugar.

Eat fat and get fat?
Contrary to popular belief you won’t gain weight from eating fat. Please don’t skip the fat in your meals as they are so important for making hormones and for brain function. Humanity is on a low-calorie diet for many years and see what it has done; we are living in an obese and sick society.  

Ketosis is gaining in popularity. It is not a fashionable diet, but an incredibly healthy way of eating. If you follow a keto meal plan you may experience powerful health benefits and you might even look better as it is good for skin health and promotes hair growth. The best benefit for me is that my brain fog is replaced by superb mental clarity and sharpness.

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