Ever wonder why some people have boundless energy while others drag their heels day after day? Caffeine consumption aside, the secret to sustained, optimal energy lies in the optimal functioning of your mitochondria. They are found in the trillion cells in the body, all buzzing along, putting out energy.

BC ATP is one of the best products to improve the mitochondria 💚. It is vitally important to have a good amount of ATP = energy, coming out of your mitochondria = energy centres of the cells.

Key benefits are:

  • Boosts mental clarity and performance
  • Promotes sustained energy levels
  • Supports natural detox processes and the gut microbiome

Vulvic acid is a highly charged organic acid that supports metabolism and the ATP cycle in being at peak efficiency. These carbons also assist in the body’s natural detoxification processes, contribute to a balanced gut microbiome, promote cellular renewal, and support immune health.

BC ATP is good at increasing energy at all levels in the body but particularly energy in the brain. Study into different brain wave patterns – after taking 6 caps of BC ATP, 1 hour later, the brainwaves are much improved:


BC stands for Bioactive Carbons, which are the foundation of CellCore products. The molecules are enhanced with protons, electrons, carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. ATP stands for Adenosine Tri- Phosphate, an energy-carrying molecule that comes from the food you eat and the oxygen you breathe in.

In clinical practice, BC-ATP is generally well-tolerated by sensitive patients and can help improve protocol tolerance.

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