Do you have a long list of health problems and have been searching high and low for answers? It is not uncommon that separate problems could boil down to one primary source: chronic Lyme disease. Lyme has many inconsistent, hidden, and vague symptoms which can mimic other illnesses like chronic fatigue syndrome and arthritis. About half of the people with Lyme aren’t diagnosed.


4 of the most common Lyme disease symptoms:

What you can do

Underlying toxicity makes Lyme hard to treat. Therefore, it is important to support the main systems in the body that are overwhelmed and address all contributors to the illness in the right order.

Steps to take in tackling Lyme:

  1. Opening up the drainage pathways: These are the lymphatic system, the kidneys/liver, and gut motility. The last thing you want is stagnant fluids or bowels when you try to get rid of toxins.
  2. Detox the organs and the lymphatic system: If the lymph is not moving, Lyme can sit in stagnant fluid and replicate without being disturbed. The kidney and liver are important organs of detoxification and are often inflamed, hampering their ability to detox properly.
  3. Getting rid of parasites: Not killing parasites will only result in becoming reinfected again and again. The parasites will release Lyme and re-infect someone once more.
  4. Eliminate Lyme: Only after the above has been addressed Lyme can be taken care of. There are special tinctures to use for the most common types of Lyme.

By supporting your detox organs first with drainage, they won’t be overwhelmed when the Lyme bacteria start to die. This triple action of removing the toxins, then parasites, then Lyme is the best way to get rid of Lyme. The immune system will improve by clearing toxins as it will be able to see infections once again – tick markers change.


Bartonella is a Lyme co-infection. It is so common that it is worth mentioning here. When a patient presents with intense reactivity and sensitivity, Bartonella infection is near the top of my diagnostic list of things to explore. In a survey, more than half of those with chronic Lyme disease had at least one co-infection. Almost 30% of them had at least two co-infections.

Unique symptoms for Bartonella are as follows:

#Toxic, heal your body by Neil Nathan


We have the most comprehensive panel available to detect diseases transmitted via ticks to humans. It is an easy at home test with a blood spot card. Click here to go to our shop:

Eliminating chronic Lyme disease may not be a fast process, but it is doable. Don’t give up hope, there is always something you can do!

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