Below, you will find a list of the most common detox reactions. Check to see if your symptom is among them and discover what steps you can take to address it:

Aches and Pains

A very common, but uncomfortable, detox symptom is an aching body. This can be experienced in the joints, muscles or organs and manifests from the process of eliminating the toxic waste that occurs when parasites die.

What to do:

    V   Epsom salt or magnesium chloride bath. This pulls toxins from the skin and replenishes the magnesium, which the body burns through quickly during stress.

    V  Exercise. Not being active can worsen body pains/aches. This doesn’t have to be intense exercise. Focus on easy movements to promote stability and to stretch affected joints and muscles.

    V  Hot/cold packs for immediate relief to joint pains. Start with a hot compress for 20 minutes and then switch to a cold ice pack for another 20.

    V  For an extra boost to keep joints and connective tissue strong, you can include more collagen in your diet by consuming foods high in protein. Collagen can also be taken in supplement form, powders, or bone broth.

V You can also get chiropractic care to get non-invasive adjustments to provide instant and long-term relief from aches and pains.

Anxiety and Depression

Parasitic infections, especially food-borne ones, can be responsible for mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety, and schizophrenia. Certain parasites, such as the meta cestodes of Taenia Solium, influence the neurotransmitter pathways. This negatively impacts dopamine, GABA, and serotonin levels. The anxiety and depression that is triggered by the die-off is usually temporary. Though it may be difficult for individuals to foster this mindset, remember that die-off reactions mean that the body is working hard to eliminate the toxins and the symptoms will fade.

Many parasitic infections, like Toxoplasma gondii, can also be responsible for disorders like OCD and anxiety. The neurological symptoms associated with these can flare up during a “die-off” reaction.

What to do

V Get into the sun and soak up some Vitamin D! Not only is this a great for your mood, but it’s also a wonderful way to boost the immune system and help the body with its detox burden.

    V  If it’s too cold or cloudy, you can try a light therapy lamp. This lamp can be placed a few feet away so you can see it out of the corner of their eye. They can even do this while reading or working (eyes need to be open). This works best in the morning or afternoon, because if you use it in the evening, it can be stimulatory and disturb the circadian rhythm.

    V  Trauma therapy. Somatic exercises and part-work help to detox from stored trauma by activating the vagus nerve. Also, emotional trauma processing tools, such as EFT and Braintap, are also available.

    V  For anxiety, try Buteyko breathing exercises, diffusing Bergamot oil, and drinking a calming tea.


Toxins can leave the body through the skin. So can parasites and their eggs. If toxins pile up in the body, this can appear as breakouts on the skin. When it comes to cleansing, the skin may be purging these toxins which can also cause breakouts because the pores are clogged.

What to do

    V   If you are experiencing more breakouts than normal, you can keep your skin clean by washing it twice a day. Apple cider vinegar can be used on breakouts in a face wash, toner, or spot treatment.

    V   Your can also make your own skin rescue cream using almond oil, coconut oil, and tea tree oil. These three oils all have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that can benefit the skin.


When you are parasite cleansing, it is best to avoid the foods that help feed these parasites. The biggest two to avoid are sugar and grains.

What to do

    V   Eliminating all processed, boxed, or packaged foods. Reach for the one-ingredient foods that don’t need a nutrition label (like fresh produce) and will help you keep a parasite infestation under control.

    V   A cup of peppermint tea (or any herbal tea) can help fight sugar cravings.

    V   Eat as many fresh vegetables and meats as you can. This can include some low-sugar fruits like berries, citrus fruit or melons. Adding more healthy fat like avocado, ghee or butter to your diet can help the body feel full for longer as well.


Fatigue is one of the most common complaints during a parasite cleanse. It’s tough on the body to process and eliminate the toxins released when killing parasites. Most people begin to regain vitality and energy after spending some time on the parasite protocol.

What to do

    V   Sleep is vital, not only for fighting fatigue, but also for giving the body the time and space it needs for healing. Be sure to get 8-9 hours of sleep if possible.

    V   Along with sleeping more, you should also slow down on exercise. I recommend replacing your cardio or kickboxing with some gentle yoga or stretching, at least until their body has had some time to recover.

    V   B vitamins can also help combat fatigue. These B vitamins support fundamental cellular functions for energy-yielding metabolism which affects cognitive and psychological processes to combat fatigue.

Flu-like symptoms, Fever, Chills

    V  Rest and hydration are recommended to get over this die-off symptom, especially since it is normally a shorter duration. 

    V  If the individual experiences chills, an infrared sauna can help. Sauna therapy has been used as a health practice for thousands of years in Scandinavia. Infrared saunas can be used in short sessions to enhance blood flow and cardiac functioning, and longer sessions can be done to detox heavy metals and purge other toxins.

    V  Recommend anti-inflammatory painkillers or natural fever-reducing herbs like moringa and kudzu root.


Headaches are one of the most common symptoms of any kind of detox people will experience. They can occur from the body adjusting to the parasite cleanse diet (avoiding caffeine and sugar), or because of parasite activity in the head. Sometimes, these types of headaches can co-occur with sensitivity to light and nausea.

What to do

    V  You can try applying some frankincense oil or WO China healing oil on your temples, across your forehead, and on the back of the neck. Rubbing peppermint essential oil across the temples has also been shown to reduce the symptoms of tension headaches.

    V  Make sure you are well-hydrated, as headaches can easily worsen due to dehydration.

     V  To help with hydration, ginger tea reduces nausea and vomiting, as well as providing anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidants.

     V  You can also practice yoga to relieve stress and therefore reducing headache symptoms.

Increased GI Upset

Since parasites like to live in the digestive tract, sometimes digestive symptoms can increase during a cleanse. Patients might experience bloating, constipation, cramps, diarrhea, or other issues with their digestion.

What to do

     V  Fresh ginger or pure aloe can be calming to the digestive system.

     V  A digestive essential oil blend of ginger, fennel, peppermint, rosemary, and lemon (with coconut oil as a carrier oil) can also be helpful to apply topically on the stomach.

     V  Traditionally, chamomile has been used to treat digestive ailments. Chamomile tea may protect against diarrhea, nausea, and gas due to its anti-inflammatory properties.

     V  You can also increase green juice or bone broth intake to give the digestive system a break.


Whenever the body is processing toxins, issues with sleeping can arise. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, there is a body clock that explains why certain times of day align with certain organs. For example, if you frequently wake up between 1:00 AM and 3:00 AM, it could be the liver that is affected. You may also experience trouble falling asleep or staying asleep while you are detoxing.

 What to do

     V  You can try a castor oil pack before bed, followed by a warm Epsom salt bath. This can give their body a boost in eliminating toxins before they climb into bed.

     V  Diffusing certain oils, like cedarwood and lavender, is also a great option to calm the body and encourage sleep.

     V  Sleep hygiene is also essential during this detox period. You should create a completely dark room, avoid screens late at night, and avoid eating stimulating foods two hours before bed.

Phlegm or Stuffy Nose

What to do

     V  Using a saline rinse in a Netipot or Navage system is a great method to irrigate the sinuses and battle the stuffiness that occurs with die-off. Using Para 3 in a sinus rinse can help the detox process by targeting parasites in the sinuses.

     V  Along with a sinus rinse, a nasal saline spray can also help clear the sinuses by adding moisture and breaking up the mucus.

Skin rashes

Skin is an organ of elimination, and sometimes the body tries to eliminate toxins in this way. Individuals might experience a variety of skin reactions during detox. These include dry skin, flare ups of eczema or psoriasis, skin sores, or several other rash-like symptoms. These symptoms typically resolve on their own in a few days.

What to do

      V  Dry skin brushing is a good way to stimulate the lymphatic system and slough off that dead, toxin-containing skin. Make sure to use a soft, firm brush with natural bristles, and always brush towards the heart. It is best to skin brush once or twice a day, ideally before a shower.

     V  Additionally, coconut oil with some diluted tea tree oil is a great way to help skin rashes heal a bit faster.

     V  Oatmeal is another natural option due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. You can make a poultice or bathe with powdered oatmeal.

Ref: DR. JAY DAVIDSON — 03/04/2021;  E. CROYSDILL – 20/3/24




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